Amelia Gully: An introduction to the acoustics of the human voice for forensic speaker recognition

When: Wednesday 8th March 2023 @ 5:15 PM

Where: The Atrium (G.10), Alison House, 12 Nicholson Sq, University of Edinburgh

Title: An introduction to the acoustics of the human voice for forensic speaker recognition.

Speakers: Dr Amelia Gully (University of York)


In this talk I will briefly introduce the acoustics of the human voice and give an overview of my research exploring how differences in vocal anatomy contribute to speaker-specific differences in the speech signal. I will also provide a general introduction to the field of forensic audio analysis, with a specific focus on the field of forensic speaker recognition and how the acoustics of the human voice can be used to help solve crimes.

Speaker Bio

Amelia Gully is a Lecturer in Speech Science at the University of York, and a Senior Research Scientist at Oxford Wave Research Ltd. Her research uses numerical acoustic modelling and geometric morphometric techniques to explore the connections between speaker-specific differences in vocal tract anatomy and identifying characteristics in the speech signal. Her work contributes to research and teaching in forensic speech science and acoustics. She also explores the wider forensic applications of acoustics and audio signal processing methods through her work with Oxford Wave Research. She holds a BSc in Audio Technology from the University of Salford, and an MSc in Digital Signal Processing and a PhD in Electronic Engineering, both from the University of York. She is a member of the International Speech Communication Association and a committee member for the UK Acoustics Network Computational Acoustics special interest group.