Annalisa Bonfiglio: Large-area, multi-modal sensing platforms based on organic transistors
When: Tuesday 7th February, 2016 @ 4:30 PM
Where: Lecture Theatre A, James Clerk Maxwell Building, University of Edinburgh
Seminar Title
Large-area, multi-modal sensing platforms based on organic transistors
Seminar Speaker
Prof. Annalisa Bonfiglio (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari)
Seminar Abstract
The ability of organic semiconductors to be electrically conductive while maintaining, at the same time, the structural and mechanical properties of organic materials, may be successfully exploited for realising electronic devices and circuits that are flexible, transparent, and light-weight. In addition, they do not need expensive equipment for their fabrication.
All these features make organic devices the ideal candidates for being employed in sensing systems for various physical-chemical parameters, in applications ranging from wearable electronics to robotic interfaces. The focus of the seminar will be in particular on the main challenges, for materials and device architectures, faced by these kinds of applications. In particular, a novel device for multi-modal sensing based on the charge sensing ability of field effect transistors will be shown.
Speaker Bio
Annalisa Bonfiglio received the Laurea Degree in Physics from the University of Genoa, in 1991 and the Ph.D. in Bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano, in 1995. She is currently a Full Professor of Electronic Bioengineering at the University of Cagliari, Italy. She also serves as Vice-Rector for Innovation and Territorial Strategies. She is also a member of the Institute of Nanoscience of CNR (National Research Council). She is author of more than 130 papers on international journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, and 8 patents. Her main research interests are related to innovative materials and electronic devices for wearable electronics and bioengineering. She is involved in several international and national research projects, focussed on applications of sensors and biosensors based on organic electronics technology.