Chris Pike: The Next Generation of Broadcast Audio

When: Wednesday 1st November, 2017 @ 6:00 PM

Where: Atrium (G.10), Alison House, Nicolson Square, University of Edinburgh

Seminar Title

The Next Generation of Broadcast Audio

Seminar Speaker

Chris Pike (BBC Research and Development, Salford)

Seminar Abstract

This talk will cover the work of the audio team in BBC Research & Development and the activity of the BBC Audio Research Partnership. Our aim is to keep the BBC at the cutting edge of audio technology to enable new experiences for audiences and ensure continued high quality services. We have a focus on new immersive, personalised and accessible content, enabled by so-called next-generation audio systems, including object-based audio. The talk will cover our recent efforts in academic research collaboration, standardisation and innovative production trials for programmes such as Doctor Who and Planet Earth II.

Speaker Bio

Chris leads the audio research team at BBC R&D, which focusses on the technology for immersive and personalised listening experiences. He leads the BBC Audio Research Partnership, through which the BBC collaborates with world-class universities on audio research, and is active in industry bodies such as the ITU and the EBU. His work has seen the BBC using spatial audio with some of its biggest programme brands, such as the Proms, Planet Earth and Doctor Who. He is also a PhD candidate in the Audio Lab at the University of York, investigating the quality of binaural audio systems.